Now that you have, or are about to, finally take that step to have that beautiful you always dreamed about, it’s time to learn how to care for your braces while they work their magic. Sure your orthodontist will do the hard work with adjustments every few week, but day to day care is up to you. Making sure you keep your braces clean and properly looked after, will not only keep them looking good, but will help making the treatment work better in the long run.
When traditional braces when applied to your teeth the first day, will attach quickly and easily, but to make sure that the bands are completely affixed, it is wise to wait several hours after getting braces applied before you being to eat solid foods. In fact, you may find it a lot easier to consume soft foods for the first couple of days while you become used to eating anything with your new hardware. Good news for you, ice cream and mashed potatoes all day!
The first few days after getting your braces attached, your teeth are going to be sensitive and super tender to any type of pressure. This is totally normal and will go away after those few days. Some patients have the sensation that their new braces tend to “stick out”, again this is just you getting used to how they feel in your mouth. Your orthodontist may even give you some orthodontic wax when you first get your braces, this may be applied to the metal brackets if irritation to your cheek tissues persist.
Because every patient is different, the soreness and discomfort that comes with application may take a few days to go away, however, it is almost impossible to predict exactly when that discomfort will subside. To help with the tenderness, many patients will choose to take some over the counter pain medication. If soreness persists longer than what your orthodontist predicted, make sure to follow up with your doctor.
Most importantly when wearing traditional braces, it is important to follow which foods you should not eat. Braces are attached with a strong adhesive to your teeth, but they may become loose or broken after eating certain foods. Wires that connect the brackets can also become broken or bent without properly caring for them. The more you take care of your braces from the beginning, the less disruptions there will be which is ideal for achieving the best orthodontic treatment goal possible. Making sure to have that well balanced diet is crucial to ensure a safe and healthy mouth. This includes avoiding foods that can be too hard, chewy or sticky, along with any foods or drinks that can cause cavities. Your orthodontist will give you a full list of foods that are known to cause applications to break. Some examples of those are popcorn, whole apples, caramel, nuts, celery, chips or taco shells, and beef jerky. Eating some of these foods may cause problems with braces and could result in extra visits to the orthodontist and make the treatment last longer.
Our office which applies traditional braces in Orlandocan assist you with any further steps to making sure your braces stay intact and work for as long as you need them to, to get that beautiful smile!
(407) 294-1560
(407) 217-2927
APOPKA, FL 32703
(407) 801-7775